Brief synopsis.....was married to Jon 24 yrs, have 3 bright, creative, funny, generous and loving children, worked 13 years at Washington Mutual Bank, after being divorced and kids were on their own, moved to Charleston, SC, a beautiful, historic city, employed at Marsh Management Services, (Captive Insurance Division) and also, part-time, as a Concierge at the French Quarter Inn (#1 on Trip Advisor!) This city is so beautiful - I love sharing it with everyone! Am also a published photographer. (I call myself the "Accidental Photographer" because I am surprised at the beauty I am able to capture, almost by accident.) Member of St. Andrew's Church, where the preaching is so intelligent and interesting, I look forward to every service I attend. I pray that my Christianity is evident in my words and actions. Life hasn't always been easy, but there has always been a joy inside of me that can't be squelched for long.
Update 12/2021 Moved to Bellevue, WA in 2013 and I am enjoying life near my kids and 5 grandkids. Still working and loving what I do!