Karey Milne (Dillingham)
Gail, I don't know how many students left, but there were quite a few. I recall how sad it was, to not have sports and dances, and extra curricular, like the other schools. The spirit was different, too. So many of our athletes, left, that had been students most of their school years, with Mead. It is strange, to not see them at our reunions, over our senior year, levy failure. Maybe we should invite them to the next one....
It was strange for me, to have enough credits, to leave by noon, and go to work! It made me feel, as if, I was out of school a year earlier.....A year, that should have been awesome, and full of wonderful memories, was deflated. I think of this, every time we have an election. I see schools by us, fail the levies, let teachers go, close schools, and then cry about how crowded their schools are! A big fat, DA! Why is it so hard to follow the thought process out, on what the outcome will be for students, and parents!